The SMSF Deed

Aaron Dunn helps attendees to understand many of the important aspects in a fund’s trust deed.  Not all SMSF deeds are the same, therefore it is important that as a practitioner you can identify potential issues to ensure compliance with the superannuation and tax laws in addition to helping manage client risks. In this webinar,…

Temporary electronic execution measures have hit a roadblock

In mid-February 2021, we saw the Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg announce an extension to the temporary relief measure relating to virtual AGMs and the signing & sending electronic documents. This Determination authorised by statute, currently provided relief until 21 March 2021 – the extension intended to grant relief through to 15 September 2021, providing the Government…

Update to investment strategy for heavy asset concentration risk

Investment strategies continue to remain a key focus area for the SMSF industry, in particular following the ATO’s updated guidance earlier in 2020. We’ve had a growing number of requests from our members and PAYG users of the Smarter SMSF platform about the requests from auditors to provide further evidence of the diversification requirement where…