A powerful & practical range of smarter features to save you time and money when ordering documents
Client list to manage your SMSF client documents
Docflows to create an automated workflow in ordering documents
- Bulk ordering to save time in generating multiple fund documents
Admin Console to manage your subscription, team’s access and their orders
Automated Deed Service to keep your client’s SMSF deeds automatically updated
- CSV import to order documents using data from external sources

Client list
Create and manage your SMSF client documents from our client list within the Smarter SMSF platform. Allowing you to sync with your SMSF software, you can create documents from the fund and member history stored in the client list.
When completing an order, you can automatically store the order back to the client record, creating a central location to manage or all fund and member documents.

Admin console
Manage your Smarter SMSF subscriptions, including team members who have access to document ordering and CPD training.
The admin console provides different levels of permission to allow managers to access saved and completed orders of team members as part of your internal quality control process. In addition, you can generate usage reports to understand the documents being generate and by different team members.
Create a workflow from the range that streamlines the ordering process across multiple Smarter SMSF documents. Work through the steps within the DocFlow, with data seamlessly passing through each order form saving you significant time – e.g. new fund establishment process.
Once a step is completed in the workflow, you can access the document, complete the relevant actions (e.g. send to SMSF software) and then move to next step in the workflow, such as applying for the ABN/TFN.

Automated Deed Update Service
Track and manage the currency of your client’s SMSF deeds using the Smarter SMSF deed service.
This centralised system allow you to upload the history of the fund’s deed and related documents, then can be activated for Smarter SMSF to automatically update the deed on an ongoing basis as important changes occur.
Bulk orders & CSV import
Create a workflow from the range that streamlines the ordering process across multiple Smarter SMSF documents. Work through the steps within the DocFlow, with data seamlessly passing through each order form saving you significant time – e.g. new fund establishment process.
Once a step is completed in the workflow, you can access the document, complete the relevant actions (e.g. send to SMSF software) and then move to next step in the workflow, such as applying for the ABN/TFN.

So, what’s your next smart move?
or… give us a call on 1300 95 94 76 or email