Order SMSF Documents

Sign up to the Smarter SMSF platform to start ordering.  Available document list and pricing July 2023.

Document NamePAYG Price ($)
In-house Asset Loan Agreement

Generate documents to create an In-House Asset (IHA) Loan Agreement between a complying SMSF and a related party in accordance with Part 8 of the SIS Act, which allows for a loan of up to 5% of the fund's assets.

The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • IHA Loan Facility Agreement
  • Trustee Resolution
  • Notice of Loan Facility Agreement
  • Draw down Notice for Advance from the Loan Facility

Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


SMSF software integration

You can automatically populate fields to generate these documents where you have set up the fund and member information within Simple Fund 360 or Class Super.


Keywords: in-house asset, IHA, loan agreement, 5%, 

Winding up a SMSF Minutes

This form allows you to generate documentation relating to the winding up of a self-managed super fund.

As you complete the form to generate the order you will be asked to determine whether benefits are payable to one or more members as part of the fund's wind up.

The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Trustee minute regarding the decision to wind up the fund;
  • Trustee Notifications to Member(s) regarding transfer out of benefits; and
  • Trustee minutes on finalisation of wind-up process including transfer out of member benefits

Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


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Add or remove a member

This form allows you to generate documents that will add or remove a member within a SMSF, including changes to the trusteeship of the fund where they may be required to be appointed or resign as an individual trustee or director of the trustee company.

The following documents will be generated as part of each completed order.


Adding a member:

  • Member application (add);
  • Product Disclosure Statement (PDS);
  • Trustee Minute accepting new member or cessation of member;
  • Consent to Act (new trustee/director);
  • ATO Trustee Declaration (new trustee/director);


Removing a Member:

  • Trustee Minute regarding cessation of membership; and
  • Trustee Notification to Member for cessation of membership


Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


Keywords: add, remove, retire, new member, resign, cease, cessation, exiting, exit

Downsizer Contribution  (updated for 1 July 2022 changes)

Generate documents that support a member (and spouse) 65 or over that has satisfied the qualifying conditions to make a downsizer contribution from the sale proceeds of their principal residence.

The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:


Sample documents for the downsizer contribution documents are available to view within the knowledge base.  You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


Keywords: downsizer contributions, principal residence, over 65, main residence

Contribution splitting

This form allows you to generate documentation to split concessional contributions to a spouse.  As you complete the form to generate the order you will be asked to determine the splittable amount by dollar or percentage.


The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Request to split taxed contributions to spouse;
  • Minutes authorising split of taxed contributions; and
  • Populated ATO contribution splitting application form


Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


SMSF software integration

You can automatically populate fields to generate these documents where you have set up the fund and member information within Simple Fund 360 or Class Super.


Keywords: contribution splitting, split, taxable contributions, concessional contributions, notice, taxed contributions

Change allocation of Investment Strategy

Generate a trustee minute that approves for the change of the fund's asset allocation within the investment strategy.  This form does not make changes to the overall fund objectives, risk, liquidity, insurance or reserves management within the fund.

A trustee resolution will be generated adopting a change to the fund's overall asset allocation as part of the obligations to regularly review the investment strategy.


Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


Keywords: investment strategy, change to asset allocation, vary, alter, adopt

Audit confirmation of benefits paid

Generate an audit confirmation letter for SMSF members to confirm the benefits paid, both pension and lump sum amounts for the fund's auditor during a financial year.  Please note that one document is created per fund member that is required to confirm the benefits that they have received from the super fund.


Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


Keywords: audit confirmation of benefit paid, pension, account based pension, ABP, TRIS, transition to retirement income stream, minimum pension

Satisfy Work Test or Work Test Exemption (applicable only until 30 June 2022)

Generate trustee documents that support a member between 67 - 74 years of age having satisfied the work test during a financial year to be able to make a contribution into superannuation.  From 1 July 2019, where the work test is satisfied in the previous financial year and the member has a Total Superannuation Balance (TSB) < $300,000, a contribution can also be made into superannuation.  This order form covers both of these combinations.

The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Gainful employment declaration (current year or previous year);
  • Trustee minutes accepting contribution and meeting work test or work test exemption.


Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


SMSF software integration

You can automatically populate fields to generate a death benefit nomination where you have set up the fund and member information within Simple Fund 360 or Class Super.


Keywords: work test, contributions, accepting, gainful employment, part-time, work test exemption, WTE contribution.

Contribution Reserving

This form allows you to generate contribution reserving minutes for concessional contributions (CC) and non-concessional contributions (NCC), following the Commissioner's public guidance in TD 2013/22 and SMSFRB 2018/1.

As you complete the form to generate your contribution reserving documents, you will be asked to determine whether the contributions are concessional or non-concessional, and whether they are being made as member or employer amounts.


The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Creation and allocation to a contributions reserve
  • Allocation from a contributions reserve
  • ATO's Request to adjust concessional contributions form - coming soon

Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


SMSF software integration

You can automatically populate fields to generate these documents where you have set up the fund and member information within Simple Fund 360 or Class Super.


Keywords: contribution reserving, holding account, NCC, CC, concessional, non-concessional, request to adjust 

Fund Member's Guardian

This form creates a Deed of Appointment of Guardian that permits a Member of the Fund to appoint a Guardianfor that Member pursuant to a Deed of Appointment of Guardian or Conditional Pension Deed for thepurposes of the better management and supervision of the Member’s superannuation interests held in theFund.

The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Deed of Appointment of Guardian.

A sample document is available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


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Payment of Reversionary Pension

Generate documents for an existing super income stream (ABP or TRIS) to automatically revert to a reversionary beneficiary upon the member's death, subject the the rules of the existing pension and fund's trust deed.

The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Notification of member's death
  • Trustee minutes of meeting
  • Trustee notification of reversionary pension (DBP)


Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


SMSF software integration

You can automatically populate fields to generate these documents where you have set up the fund and member information within Simple Fund 360 or Class Super.


Keywords: auto reversionary, pension reversion, ABP, TRIS, account based pension, transition to retirement income stream, death benefit, pension, superannuation income stream

Add or remove a reversionary beneficiary

Generate documents to add or remove a reversionary beneficiary from an existing superannuation income stream.  The governing rules of the Smarter SMSF Deed allows for an income stream to be altered mid-stream, rather than having to rollback the pension and commence a new pension.  This may be important in a range of circumstances including the Centrelink grandfathering rules for pre-1 January 2015 income streams.


The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Member request for add or remove a reversionary beneficiary - Trustee minutes regarding the decision to add or remove the reversionary beneficiary
  • Trustee notification of the changes to the income stream


Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


SMSF software integration

You can automatically populate fields to generate these documents where you have set up the fund and member information within Simple Fund 360 or Class Super.


Keywords: add or remove reversionary beneficiary, change beneficiary, adding, removing

Death of a Member

Currently available as a word document template only.


This document provides information to the trustee(s) regarding the death of a fund member, including the trustee(s) reviewing any existing DBN to determine how to deal with the payment of a super death benefit.  These documents also consider the need to appoint a replacement director/trustee as a result of the member's death until the death benefit has begun to be paid.  


Note: this document is one of several documents that may need to be created, depending upon how the deceased member was currently receiving the benefit and the decisions of the surviving beneficiary/ies. 


Keywords: death of member, death benefit, deceased, payment, cashing, lump sum, pension, beneficiary, beneficiaries, reversionary, tax dependant, SIS dependant, non-dependant

$198 (on request)
Met condition of release

This allows you to generate documents regarding a member having satisfied a condition of release with a nil cashing restriction, moving benefits to unrestricted non-preserved.

The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Member notification of satisfying condition of release
  • Trustee minutes acknowledging condition of release met

Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


SMSF software integration

You can automatically populate fields to generate a death benefit nomination where you have set up the fund and member information within Simple Fund 360 or Class Super.


Keywords: satisfying condition of release, retirement condition, attaining age 65, permanent incapacity, terminal illness

Minimum Pension Shortfall

This form will create a trustee minute where a member has not met the minimum pension for an income year and wishes to self-assess to utilise the Commissioner’s General Powers of Administration to allow for the income stream to continue, allowing the fund to claim earnings tax exemption (ECPI).


The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Trustee minute of minimum pension shortfall and claim tax exemption based upon Commissioner’s GPA concession.


Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


SMSF software integration

You can automatically populate fields to generate these documents where you have set up the fund and member information within Simple Fund 360 or Class Super.


Keywords: minimum pension shortfall, GPA concession, did not meet minimum pension, 

Commutation of Market Linked Pension

Available as a word document template only.


This document provides the resolutions for the commutation of a Market Linked Pension, which as a pre-existing income stream before 30 June 2017 is treated as a Capped Defined Benefit Income Stream (CDBIS).  Following the commutation, the re-purchase of a Market Linked Pension will no longer be treated as a CDBIS for transfer balance cap purposes.


Keywords: Market Linked Pension, MLP, complying pension, term-allocated pension

$198 (on request)
Commencement of Market Linked Pension

Available as a word document template only.


This document provides the resolutions for the commencement of a Market Linked Pension (MLP), which will arise from the commutation of another complying income stream (including complying lifetime pension or MLP).  The purchase price of the MLP post 1 July 2017 will be the amount assessed for transfer balance cap purposes (i.e. not treated as a capped defined benefit income stream).


Keywords: Market Linked Pension, MLP, complying pension, term-allocated pension

$198 (on request)
Add ABP as a Special Rule of the Fund

Generate documents to add the existing resolutions, minutes or agreement that commenced an Account Based Pension (ABP) or Transition to Retirement Income Stream (TRIS) as a Special Rule of the Fund where a trustee has upgraded to Smarter SMSF Deed.


In addition, the member can request whether they wish for the terms and conditions of that document are to become a Paramount Document (for estate planning purposes).


The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Member notification to add Account Based Pension as a Special Rule of Fund
  • Trustee resolution to add ABP or TRIS as Special Rule of Fund, including as a Paramount Document; and
  • Trustee notification adopting Income Stream (ABP or TRIS) as a Special Rule.


Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


SMSF software integration

You can automatically populate fields to generate these documents where you have set up the fund and member information within Simple Fund 360 or Class Super.


Keywords: special rule, account based pension, abp, transition to retirement income stream, TRIS, trust deed, paramount document

Certificate of Complying Status

Generate a certificate of complying status that will outline that it is:

  • a regulated self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF);
  • is complying for the purposes of superannuation law; and
  • can accept contribution and rollover amounts

Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


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Death of a MemberAccess template$198 (on request)
Lump Sum$99
Change of Trustee (Deed of Retirement and/or Appointment)..description$363
Returning Non-Concessional Contributions (failure to meet work test)

These trustee minutes provide for the return of non-concessional contributions where the member has not satisfied the 'work test' for the income year to be able to make the contribution - Items 2- 4, SIS Regulation 7.04(1)


The amount is not an excess contribution, but rather is allowed to be returned due in accordance SIS Regulation 7.04(4).


NB.  This document will be added to the Smarter platform in the near future.

Allocation from a Reserve

Generate documents to allocate an amount from an Investment Reserve within a SMSF that complies with the crediting rules within Reg. 291.25.01 of the ITAR 1997.

The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Trustee meeting to allocate from the investment reserve
  • Trustee notification to member of allocation from the investment reserve

Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


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Creation of a Reserve$132
Consent to Act - Individual Trustee$55
Consent to Act - Director of Trustee Company$55
Annual Pension Review
including above minimum pension amounts

Generate annual pension review minutes that calculate the revised pension for an ABP or TRIS for the current income year.  In addition, following the introduction of the super reforms from 1 July 2017, this documentation also contemplates how benefits are paid where the member takes more than the minimum pension for the income year, including lump sum withdrawals and partial commutation amounts.

The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Annual Pension Review minutes
  • Member notification for above minimum pension amounts
  • Trustee minutes regarding treatment of above minimum pension amounts


Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


SMSF software integration

You can automatically populate fields to generate these documents where you have set up the fund and member information within Simple Fund 360 or Class Super.


Keywords: pension, above minimum, PCG 2017/5, minimum pension, maximum, ABP, TRIS, account based pension, transition to retirement income stream

Dispose of an Asset Minute Trustee minute to sell an asset within the SMSF$55
Acquire an Asset Minute $55
Notice to vary LRBA interest rate

This document provides an SMSF with notice of a change to the interest rate applicable to an existing loan facility being provide to an SMSF (e.g. related party LRBA).

The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Notice to vary interest rate
  • Trustee resolution about variation of interest rate


Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


Keywords: safe harbour, LRBA, PCG 2017/5, limited recourse borrowing arrangement, interest rate

Deed of Debt Forgiveness$363
LRBA Refinance

Generate documents for a SMSF to refinance their existing limited recourse loan to ensure that the terms of the loan demonstrate that of an arm's length dealing (refer to the safe harbours in PCG 2016/5)

The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Refinance Facility Agreement;
  • Member Acknowledgements;
  • Trustee resolutions

Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


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SMSF Change of Name

This allows you to generate documents to change the name of an existing Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF).

The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Deed of Name Change
  • Trustee minutes approving the change of name

Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


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Add BDBN as a Paramount Document

Generate documents to add an existing Non-Lapsing Binding Death Benefit Nomination (BDBN) as a Paramount Document in accordance with the TSA SMSF Trust Deed (Ver: 2017-03, available from March 2017 onward).

The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Member request to add existing Non-Lapsing BDBN as a Paramount Document
  • Trustee Meeting
  • Trustee Notification to Member adding the Non-Lapsing BDBN as a Paramount Document

Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


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Change of Trustee - Death of member

Generate documents to change the trustee of an SMSF as a result of a member's death, including adding a replacement individual trustee, or alternatively switching to a corporate trustee.

The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Change of Trustee Deed;
  • Trustee minutes relating to the change of trustee as a result of the member's death;
  • Consent to Act (individual trustee or director); and
  • ATO Trustee declaration


Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


SMSF software integration

You can automatically populate fields to generate the documents where you have set up the fund and member information within Simple Fund 360 or Class Super.


Keywords: Deed of Retirement and Appointment, change of trustee, DORA, death of a member, retirement, appointment, deceased member

Property Use Declaration & Market Valuation Minute

Generate a a declaration by the trustees in respect to property held by the SMSF that provides a statement for audit purposes in respect to its use for compliance purposes (e.g. residential property - no personal use, or commercial property - meets BRP requirements).  In addition to the declaration, a trustee minute can also be generated to support the market valuation requirements within SISR 8.02B that includes details of the evidence utilised by the trustees to support the market value of the property at 30 June.


The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Declaration of personal use of property; and
  • Trustee minute for market valuation of property


Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base.  You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


SMSF software integration

You can automatically populate fields to generate a documents where you have set up the fund and member information within Simple Fund 360 or Class Super.



Keywords: property declaration, personal use, SISR 8.02, market valuation, commercial property, residential, business real property, BRP, trustee declaration of property use

Rollover Out

This form provides documentation to support a request by a fund member to rollover their existing super benefits or super death benefit to another complying super fund in accordance with the SuperStream requirements.

The form covers a range of combinations including:

  • full and partial rollovers, 
  • transfers to an APRA-regulated fund, or another SMSFs  
  • Payments made by cash and by in-specie transfer.

The following documents will be generated as part of the order:

  • Member request to rollover benefits
  • For full rollover, a pre-populated ‘ATO Request for rollover of whole balance of super benefits between funds’
  • Trustee minute confirming requirements to pay the rollover and meet the SuperStream requirements within prescribed time frame.
  • Member notification confirming payment of the rollover.

Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


You can automatically populate fields to generate these documents from your fund and member information within Simple Fund 360 and Class.


Keywords: rollover out, super rollover out, superannuation, death benefit, transfer out, SuperStream, cash, in-specie

Rollover In

This form allows you to trustee minutes and notifications regarding the acceptance of a rollover super benefit or super death benefit rollover into a SMSF in accordance with the SuperStream requirements.

The following documents will be generated as part of the order:

  • Trustee minute confirming receipt of the rollover and allocating to member’s account within prescribed time frame under the SuperStream rules.
  • Trustee notification to the Member of the rollover acceptance and allocation to the member's account in accordance with the SuperStream requirements.

Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


You can automatically populate fields to generate these documents from your fund and member information within Simple Fund 360 and Class.


Keywords: rollover, super rollover, superannuation, death benefit, transfer in, SuperStream, cash, in-specie

Death Benefit Nomination

Generate either a binding (lapsing or non-lapsing) or non-binding death benefit nomination (DBN) for a self-managed super fund member in accordance with Schedules 1 and 2 of the Smarter SMSF Deed.  Note that the governing rules allow for automatic acceptance upon execution of a valid DBN - i.e. no other formal acceptance is required such as trustee resolution.   You must consider the specific requirements of the fund's governing rules before preparing this document to ensure that the nomination is valid.

The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Death Benefit Nomination (Binding or Non-binding)


Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


SMSF software integration

You can automatically populate fields to generate the documents where you have set up the fund and member information within Simple Fund 360 or Class Super.


To find out more, visit our document page Death Benefit Nomination on the Smarter SMSF website.


Keywords: DBN, BDBN, binding non-lapsing death benefit nomination, standard, statement of wishes, non-binding 

Lost Trust Deed

Generate documents to create a Lost Trust Deed, where a fund has misplaced the Establishing Deed or Deed of Variation and replaces the governing rules through a Confirmation and Substitution of Replacement Deed. 


The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Deed of Confirmation and Substitution of Replacement 
  • Updated SMSF Trust Deed
  • Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)
  • Trustee minutes replacing the governing rules of the fund
  • Member Notice


Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


SMSF software integration

You can automatically populate fields to generate a death benefit nomination where you have set up the fund and member information within Simple Fund 360 or Class Super.


Keywords: lost trust deed, undated, unsigned, Confirmation and Substitution of Replacement deed, missing deed

Add Enduring Power of Attorney (as Special Rule of Fund)

Generate documents for an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) to replace an individual trustee or director of a corporate trustee, where the the member is under a legal disability (e.g. residency issue or incapacity).

The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Request to add EPA as a Special Rule of the Fund
  • Trustee Meeting to add Enduring Power of Attorney
  • Trustee Notification adding EPA and resignation as director or individual trustee
  • Letter of resignation of direction (corporate trustee)
  • Consent to Act
  • Trustee declaration (pre-populated)

Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


Keywords: EPA, Enduring Power of Attorney, incapacity, residency, overseas, disability , special rule, paramount document

LRBA Loan Facility Agreement (Related Party Loan)

Generate documents for a related party loan where the SMSF enters into a limited recourse borrowing arrangement (LRBA) to acquire an asset and obtains funding through an associate (e.g. individual, related trust or company).  As part of the order form, you will be able to indicate whether the terms of the loan being entered into will comply with the safe harbour terms for real property or listed shares in accordance with PCG 2016/5.


The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • LRBA Loan Facility Agreement
  • Trustee Minutes


Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


SMSF software integration

You can automatically populate fields to generate the documents where you have set up the fund and member information within Simple Fund 360 or Class Super.


Keywords: limited recourse borrowing arrangement, lrba, related party, bare trust, holding trust, deed

Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangement (LRBA)

Generate documents for a SMSF to enter into a Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangement (LRBA) in accordance with section 67A of the SIS Act.

The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Bare Trust Deed
  • Limited Recourse Borrowing Trust Agreement
  • Statutory Declarations
  • Member Acknowledgements
  • Certificate of Beneficial Ownership
  • Trustee resolutions


Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


SMSF software integration

You can automatically populate fields to generate the documents where you have set up the fund and member information within Simple Fund 360 or Class Super.


Keywords: limited recourse borrowing arrangement, lrba, related party, bare trust, custodial, custody, holding trust, deed

Investment Strategy Report

Generate an Investment Strategy report (template) for a self-managed super fund (SMSF), which formulates and gives effect to risk, diversification, liquidity, the ability to discharge the fund's liabilities and the requirement to consider insurance cover for one or more fund members.


The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Investment Strategy Report; and
  • Trustee minute adopting the investment strategy

Important Note:  Additional trustee minutes can be generated for existing SMSFs that are required to meet the diversification requirements following the ATO issuing a letter to trustees or where the fund has heavy asset concentration.


Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base.  You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


SMSF software integration

You can automatically populate fields to generate a documents where you have set up the fund and member information within Simple Fund 360 or Class Super.


To find out more, visit our document page Investment Strategy on the Smarter SMSF website.


Keywords: investment strategy, report, template, document

Change of Trustee (Deed of Retirement and/or Appointment)

The new form allows you to make any of the following trustee changes:

  • Individuals to Company
  • Company to Individuals
  • Add Individual(s) only
  • Removal Individual(s) only
  • Add and Remove Individuals
  • Company to Company


If you want to make a change of trustee as a result of a member's death, you should use the 'Change of Trustee - Death of a Member' form.


The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Change of Trustee Deed (or similar - e.g. Deed of Appointment, or Deed of Retirement)
  • Trustee minutes to reflect the changes made to the trustee
  • Consents to Act (where relevant)
  • Pre-populated ATO trustee declaration (where relevant)

Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


SMSF software integration

An updated integration with Simple Fund 360 and Class Super will be available shortly (end May 2022).


To find out more, visit our document page Change of Trustee on the Smarter SMSF website.


Keywords: Deed of Retirement and Appointment, change of trustee, deed of appointment, deed of retirement, add trustee, remove trustee, DORA

Fixed Unit Trust

Generate documents to create a unit trust, where the income and/or capital of the trust is represented by units and each unit holder's entitlement from the trust is fixed.  

Please note that the Deed does not currently meet the classification requirements of being a fixed trust under the Land Tax Management Act 1956 (NSW).  A limit of 4 initial unit holders currently applies to this order form.


The following documents will be generated as part of your order:

  • the Trust Deed
  • Consent to act as Trustee
  • Application of Units
  • Unit Certificates
  • Register of Unit Holders
  • Minutes of meeting relating to the unit trust being established.


Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


To find out more, visit our document page Fixed Unit Trust on the Smarter SMSF website.


Keywords:  fixed unit trust, 13.22C 

Discretionary (Family) Trust

Generate documents to create a discretionary or family trust, where the trustee has discretion to pay beneficiaries any amount of the trust income and/or capital as it deems appropriate.

The following documents will be generated as part of your order:

  • the Trust Deed
  • Consent to act as Trustee
  • Minutes of meeting relating to the discretionary trust being established.


Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


To find out more, visit our document page Discretionary Trust on the Smarter SMSF website.


Keywords:  family trust, discretionary trust

Trust Deed Upgrade (incl. QROPS)

Generate documents to upgrade an existing trust deed of a Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) to comply with the current superannuation and taxation laws.


The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Deed of Variation
  • Updated SMSF Trust Deed
  • Trustee minutes amending the governing rules of the fund


Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


SMSF software integration

You can automatically populate fields to generate a death benefit nomination where you have set up the fund and member information within Simple Fund 360 or Class Super.


To find out more, visit our document page Trust Deed Upgrade on the Smarter SMSF website.


Keywords: trust deed update, upgrade, deed of variation, QROPS, Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme, smsf, self managed super, deed

SMSF Establishment (incl. QROPS)

Generate documents to establish a new Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF), including where you wish to setup the new SMSF as a Qualifying Registered Overseas Pension Scheme (QROPS).  Includes up to 6 members, as allowed from 1 July 2021.

Where you wish to include a corporate trustee, you should order the special purpose company prior to the fund establishment.

The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • SMSF Deed
  • Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)
  • Trustee minutes establishing the fund
  • Member applications
  • Trustee & Member registers
  • ATO trustee declarations

Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


To find out more, visit our document page SMSF Establishment (new SMSF) (incl. QROPs) on the Smarter SMSF website.


Keywords:  self managed super fund, new SMSF, setup, establishment, fund, QROPS, Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme 

Change of Company Constitution

Generate documents to change the company constitution in any of the following circumstances by special resolution:

  • Replacement of company constitution to a special purpose trustee company;
  • Replacement of a special purpose trustee company constitution to a standard company;
  • Variation of an existing special purpose trustee company constitution;
  • Variation of an existing standard company constitution.


The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Special resolution of the directors; and
  • Constitution


Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


Keywords: replacement, company constitution, special purpose, asic, trustee company, change of company constitution, upgrade, update

Company Constitution only

Where you incorporate your new company (trading or special purpose superannuation trustee company) using CAS360, you can now generate the company constitution only using this form.

The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Company Constitution 


CAS 360
Having setup the information within CAS360 as part of the company incorporation (including lodgement with ASIC), you can seamlessly pull the data from CAS360 to auto-populate the form and submit to generate the relevant company constitution.  Furthermore, using the API, the constitution will also be sent back to CAS360 to be included within the software.


Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


Keywords:  constitution, company incorporation, trading company, special purpose, superannuation trustee company, cas360, bgl

Company Incorporation (Standard)

Generate documents to incorporate a company which may act as the trustee of a trust, including unit trust and bare trust, or alternatively can act as a trading entity in its own right. 

The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Company Constitution 
  • ASIC incorporation certificate 
  • Shareholder information
  • Directors and office bearers
  • Various resolutions for appointments and shareholdings

CAS 360 & CAS (desktop)
After completing the order, you can either: 

  • CAS360 - automatically push the company information to setup in CAS360; or
  • CAS (desktop) - download a CAS file to import all company information to set up your corporate affairs file within BGL.

Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


Keywords:  constitution, company incorporation, trading company

$170 + ASIC Fee
Changes to directors

Generate documents to change the following director positions within a company, including:

  • Appointment of a director
  • Removal of a director
  • Appointment and removal of a director


The documentation can be used for the Smarter SMSF company constitution and other constitutions.


SMSF software integration

You can automatically populate fields to generate these documents where you have set up the fund and member information within Simple Fund 360 or Class Super.


Keywords: removal, appointment, changes to directors

Lost Pension Deed (Affirmation & Confirmation)

The decision in Re Narumon's case provided critical insights into how the courts deal with the payment of pensions, in particular where pension documents are missing or insufficient.  In response to this decision, Smarter SMSF is providing a Pension Deed of Affirmation and Confirmation that deals with the situation where a pension is currently being paid but no pension documents exist (or can be found).


The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Pension Deed of Affirmation & Confirmation; and
  • Replacement Pension Agreement


Sample documents will soon be available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


SMSF software integration

You can automatically populate fields to generate the documents where you have set up the fund and member information within Simple Fund 360 or Class Super.


Keywords: Pension, Account Based Pension, Transition to Retirement Income Stream, ABP, TRIS, missing pension documents, pension deed, confirm, affirm, lost

TRIS to Retirement Phase

Generate documents to move a Transition to Retirement Income Stream (TRIS) into Retirement Phase where the member has satisfied a condition of release with a nil cashing condition.


Important Note:
The ATO have indicated that a TRIS does not convert into an Account Based Pension (ABP), but rather the TRIS continues with the maximum pension limit falling away after the member has met a nil cashing condition. If you wish to convert to an ABP, a commutation and re-purchase of the income stream is required.

The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Member request with condition of release and written notice for retirement phase
  • Trustee Meeting and resolutions to move TRIS to Retirement Phase
  • Trustee Notification regarding TRIS moving to Retirement Phase
  • Transfer Balance Account Report (TBAR) - coming soon

Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


SMSF software integration

You can automatically populate fields to generate these documents where you have set up the fund and member information within Simple Fund 360 or Class Super.


To find out more, visit our document page TRIS to Retirement Phase on the Smarter SMSF website.


Keywords: transition to retirement income stream, abp conversion, convert tris to abp, tris conversion, condition of release, retirement phase

Pension Rollback

Generate documents to rollback an Account Based Pension (ABP) or Transition to Retirement Income Stream (TRIS) to accumulation phase and where it forms part of a pension reboot (rollback and commencement).


The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Member request to rollback pension
  • Trustee resolution to rollback pension
  • Trustee notification of pension rollback

Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


SMSF software integration

You can automatically populate fields to generate these documents where you have set up the fund and member information within Simple Fund 360 or Class Super.


To find out more, visit our document page Rollback of Pension on the Smarter SMSF website.


Keywords: pension reboot, re-boot, rollback, full commutation, cease, stop, income stream

Election for treatment of above ABP (temporary) minimum pension payments (updated for 2022-23)

Generate documentation regarding a decision by the member on how to treat benefit payments from their superannuation interests once they have reached their minimum pension (or 50% reduced minimum pension).  This may include a prospective election to treat amounts as either lump sum withdrawals and/or partial commutation amounts.

The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Member notification for above minimum pension amounts
  • Trustee minutes regarding treatment of above minimum pension amounts


Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


SMSF software integration

You can automatically populate fields to generate these documents where you have set up the fund and member information within Simple Fund 360 or Class Super.


Keywords: COVID-19, reduced minimum pension, 50% reduced pension, pension, above minimum, PCG 2017/5, minimum pension, maximum, ABP, account based pension, retirement phase income stream, coronavirus.

Lump Sum

Generate lump sum documents to make a benefit payment from a member's superannuation interest, including cash lump sum, in-specie asset transfer and as part of a death benefit payment.


The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Member request for lump sum
  • Trustee minutes regarding payment of lump sum
  • Trustee notification for lump sum payment

Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


SMSF software integration

You can automatically populate fields to generate these documents where you have set up the fund and member information within Simple Fund 360 or Class Super.


To find out more, visit our document page Lump Sum on the Smarter SMSF website.


Keywords: lump sum, death benefit, in-specie, asset transfer, cash payment

Partial Commutation

Generate documents to partially commute an Account Based Pension (ABP) in accordance SIS Regulation 1.07D and the Commissioner's guidance in TR 2013/5 and PCG 2017/5.


The partial commutation to exchange part of the income stream payment into a lump sum that is paid to the member - this can be via a cash payment or as an in-specie asset transfer.  Importantly, since 1 July 2017, no amount from a partial commutation will count towards a member's minimum pension for an income year.

The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Member request for partial commutation
  • Trustee minutes regarding partial commutation
  • Trustee notification of partial commutation
  • Transfer Balance Account Report (TBAR) - coming soon

Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


SMSF software integration

You can automatically populate fields to generate these documents where you have set up the fund and member information within Simple Fund 360 or Class Super.


To find out more, visit our document page Partial Commutation on the Smarter SMSF website.


Keywords: partial commutation, lump sum, in-specie, cash

ECPI choice decision minute [NEW]

Generate a trustee minute where the fund makes a choice to apply for an actuarial certificate that covers the entire financial year, where it both segregated and unsegregated periods. Note, a fund cannot apply 'choice' for ECPI purposes where it has disregarded small fund assets.

A trustee minute will be generated for the financial year where they choose to use to apply the proportionate method for the entire financial year, where the fund has both segregated and unsegregated periods.

Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


SMSF software integration

You can automatically populate fields to generate these documents where you have the fund information within Simple Fund 360 or Class Super.


Keywords: ECPI, exempt current pension income, segregated method, unsegregated method, actuarial certificate, deemed segregated period, DSP, tax exemption

Removal of a director - Appoint Enduring Power of Attorney (BETA)

Generate documents to remove a director of a special purpose trustee company:

  • due to incapacity (legal disability); or
  • resigning from the role to appoint their EPA (ie. residency or requires support)

in accordance with S.17A(3)(b)(ii) of the SIS Act.


The documentation can be used for the Smarter SMSF company constitution and other constitutions.


SMSF software integration

You can automatically populate fields to generate these documents where you have set up the fund and member information within Simple Fund 360 or Class Super (SuperMate coming soon).


Keywords: removal, appointment, changes to directors, incapacity, resignation, resign, residency, overseas

Company Incorporation (Special Purpose)

Generate documents to incorporate a special purpose company which will act solely as the trustee of a complying super fund. The constitution of this company has been drafted to specifically compliment the SMSF trust deed.

The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Company Constitution
  • ASIC incorporation certificate
  • Shareholder information
  • Directors and office bearers
  • Various resolutions for appointments and shareholdings

Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


CAS360 & CAS (desktop)
After completing the order, you can either: 

  • CAS360 - automatically push the company information to setup in CAS360; or
  • CAS (desktop) - download a CAS file to import all company information to set up your corporate affairs file within BGL.

To find out more, visit our document page Company Incorporation (Special Purpose) on the Smarter SMSF website.


Keywords: company, incorporation, special purpose trustee company, trustee company, 

$170 + ASIC Fee
Temporary Incapacity Income Stream

Generate documents to commence a temporary incapacity income stream from a SMSF where the member is of ill health - either physically or mentally.  Where adequate salary continuance (insurance) is in place, the SMSF may be able to pay a temporary incapacity income stream to help substitute the loss of income for the individual.


The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Request to commencement a temporary incapacity super income stream
  • Trustee resolutions confirming the payment, along with the conditions of the temporary incapacity super income stream
  • Trustee notification to the member for the payment of the temporary incapacity super income stream
  • Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)


Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


To find out more, visit our document page COVID-19 on the Smarter SMSF website.


Keywords: super income stream, pension, temporary incapacity, COVID-19, coronavirus, salary continuance

COVID-19: Temporary Rental Relief

Generate documents to provide a period of temporary rental relief in accordance with the ATO's guidance where the SMSF is the Lessor.  The rental relief may apply:

  • a reduction in accordance with the mandatory Code of Conduct
  • a rental waiver; or
  • a rental reduction

for a specified period of time agreed to between the parties as a result of the economic impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic.

The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Information Memorandum 
  • Request by the Lessee for rental assistance due to COVID-19
  • Trustee Minute outlining the decisions of the Fund as Lessor
  • Letter from the Lessor to the Lessee confirming the rental abatement or reduction.


At this time there is currently no integration available with Simple Fund 360 or Class, however these integrations will follow in the near future.


Keywords: coronavirus, COVID, COVID-19, rent relief, temporary rent reduction, abatement, ATO

Pension Commencement (incl. with unknown balance)

This form allows you to generate documents to commence an Account Based Pension (ABP) or Transition to Retirement Income Stream (TRIS), that includes starting with an unknown balance - that can be later confirmed via a saved order to complete the order.  Please note that a further $99 fee will apply for the confirmation documentation (as part of the 2 step process).


As you complete the form to generate your pension documents, you will be guided by questions to determine the correct pension that can be commenced based upon the member's age and the relevant condition of release and cashing condition that has been met.


The form also allows you to elect how to treat above minimum pension amounts for the income year, along with the level of reversion (%, $ or to the transfer balance cap).


The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Member request to commence pension
  • Trustee resolution to commence pension
  • Trustee notification of pension commencement
  • Election for above minimum pension amount (optional)
  • Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)

Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


SMSF software integration

You can automatically populate fields to generate a death benefit nomination where you have set up the fund and member information within Simple Fund 360,  Class Super and SuperMate.


To find out more, visit our document page Pension Commencement on the Smarter SMSF website.


Keywords: super income stream, pension, ABP, account based pension, TRIS, TRIS in Retirement Phase, Transition to Retirement Income Stream, Death Benefit Pension, DBP

COVID-19: Temporary LRBA Loan Relief

Generate documents to provide a period of temporary LRBA loan relief in accordance with the ATO's guidance where the SMSF has an related party LRBA loan.  This guidance includes referencing any loan relief to the Australian Banking Association's website where commercial banks are offering to other borrowers for similar investments - this is important in determining whether the temporary relief for the SMSF is at arm's length.

The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Information Memorandum 
  • Trustee minute relating to request for temporary LRBA repayment relief
  • Request by the SMSF to the lender for LRBA loan relief due to COVID-19
  • Letter from the Lender confirming the loan repayment relief.


Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base. You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


At this time there is currently no integration available with Simple Fund 360 or Class, however these integrations will follow in the near future.


Keywords: coronavirus, COVID, COVID-19, LRBA loan relief, limited recourse borrowing arrangement, ATO, related party loan

COVID-19: Early Release Super Lump Sum

Generate documents to provide for a lump sum early release payment on compassionate grounds due to coronavirus after a determination has been provided by the Commissioner for the 2019-20 and 2020-21 income years only.

The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Information Memorandum 
  • Request for early release payment by the Member providing the Commissioner's determination;
  • Trustee Minute outlining the ability to pay the early release amount on compassionate grounds;
  • Notification by Trustee to member confirming payment of early release lump sum.


Due to the time-sensitive nature of making these documents available, there is currently no integration available with Simple Fund 360 or Class.  These integrations will follow in the near future.


Keywords: coronavirus, COVID, COVID-19, early release, lump sum, compassionate grounds, super lump sum

Investment Strategy Review Statement

Generate an Investment Strategy Review Statement (template) that considers the requirements within SISR 4.09 as part of the obligation for a trustee to regularly review the fund's strategy.  Where the fund is invested within a single asset or asset class, you can also prepare an additional trustee minute the considers the diversification requirements with this investment decision.


The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Investment Strategy Review Statement; and
  • Single asset or asset concentration trustee minute (where relevant)


Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base.  You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


SMSF software integration

You can automatically populate fields to generate a documents where you have set up the fund and member information within Simple Fund 360 or Class Super.


To find out more, visit our document page Investment Strategy on the Smarter SMSF website.


Keywords: investment strategy, report, template, document, review statement

Investment Strategy - Single Asset or asset concentration minute

Generate a trustee minute for an SMSF that is invested within a single asset or has heavy asset concentration and needs to satisfy the diversification requirements as part of the fund's investment strategy.  Asset classes available for the trustee minute includes property, shares, cash, fixed interest and cryptocurrency.


The following documents will be generated as part of the completed order:

  • Investment Strategy Review Statement; and
  • Single asset or asset concentration trustee minute (where relevant)


Sample documents are available to view within the knowledge base.  You can save this order to resume at any time and can review prior to submission.


SMSF software integration

You can automatically populate fields to generate a documents where you have set up the fund and member information within Simple Fund 360 or Class Super.


To find out more, visit our document page Investment Strategy on the Smarter SMSF website.


Keywords: investment strategy, report, template, document, review statement
