Create online, delivered instantly
To start ordering, simply follow these steps:
- Sign up to purchase documents as a PAYG member.
- You will receive an email with your login details.
- Once logged into our platform, select ‘Documents > Create New’.
- Select the document you require to start.
- Review & submit your order.
- You’ll have the order instantly delivered to you in less than 5 mins.
How to videos
Order a Discretionary Trust
This video explains the process in ordering a discretionary (family) trust on the Smarter SMSF platform.
Need assistance?
If you require help with ordering your SMSF documents, get in contact with us via live chat, by telephone on 1300 95 94 76, email
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Document Packages
We recognise that practices come in all different shapes and sizes, and that’s why our Create document packages have been developed as a bundle to suit the size of your SMSF business. Our document packages start at $180 p/m for ANY 25 docs p/a and provide a substantial saving monthly.
To work out how many documents you might need for your business, try our document calculator that can help to determine the package that is right for you.
What is a family trust?
What is the role of the settlor?
What is the role of the appointor?
What is the role of the trustee?
What stamp duty is payable upon establishing the trust?
What are the types of beneficiaries?