SMSF investment strategies

Current state of play with SMSF investment strategies – Webinar

 SMSF investment strategies remain an ongoing focus of the annual compliance requirements, with many auditors and the regulator paying much closer attention to trustees adhering with the requirements set out in SIS Regulation 4.09. In this webinar recording, Aaron Dunn – CEO of Smarter SMSF explores the current state of play with SMSF investment…


Double taxed earnings?

With the Government releasing Treasury Laws Amendment (Better Targeted Superannuation Concessions) Bill 2023 for consultation, much of the attention will rightly be given to the calculation of earnings, however, it’s one of the earnings adjustments that has caught my eye and whilst its exclusion is welcome you can’t help but wonder why the Government have…


Better targeted or technically flawed?

The release of an exposure draft by Treasury for consultation has ultimately seen what was expected from within the SMSF industry – that is, the Federal Government wasn’t really interested in listening to many of the concerns about the proposed measures to better target superannuation concessions for individuals with balances above $3.0 million. The concerns…
