We appreciate you agreeing to participate as a speaker in this year’s SMSF Virtual Day event.
There are a series of tabs here with important information for you to review and where appropriate access any relevant materials.
Key dates to be aware of:
by Wednesday, 10 March 2021
- Have met with Aaron and/or arranged a time to discuss the session and demonstrate how the Accelevents platform will operate with your session recording and live Q&A.
Wednesday, 24 March 2021
- Presentation due (incl. any technical paper if relevant).
From Wednesday, 17 March 2021 – Wednesday, 24 March 2021
- Pre-recording of your session (date & time to be confirmed with you).
Tuesday & Wednesday, 30 – 31 March 2021
- SMSF Virtual Day 2021 from 11:00am to 4:00pm (AEDT).
Presentation slides
All presenters can use their own branded PowerPoint slides for the SMSF Virtual Day. The slides should be prepared in 16:9 format (widescreen).
Your PowerPoint slides (and any related technical paper) is due on Wednesday, 21 March 2021. It would be greatly appreciated if you could have these presentations to us on time to allow for them to be review by us for final assessment for CPD purposes and for any changes that may need to be made prior to recording.
Please submit your presentation to team@smartersmsf.com.
Recording of session
As previously indicated, all breakout sessions will be pre-recorded and uploaded onto the platform for attendees to watch at the event (or following the event).
You have a choice for the session recording:
- Your session can be recorded at our office using a green screen (see photo below)
- Your session can be recorded on Zoom (see screenshot below). Smarter SMSF will provide a link to record the session as we want to capture via cloud recordings for editing purposes. You can either record this in your own time (by the due date), or alternatively, the team at Smarter SMSF can coordinate a suitable time to complete together, giving you host permissions to control slides, etc.
A separate introduction video will be created by Aaron Dunn introducing you for the session, along with an outro video that will provide instructions for attendees to move to the live Q&A session for you as speaker to answer any questions from the session.
Q&A session
Following your session, we have allocated 15 mins for a live Q&A where attendees can have their questions answered by you.
Attendees will be provided with instructions as part of the outro video from your session to move to the live Q&A workshop where their questions will be answered with you.
Smarter SMSF will arrange for the collation of all questions throughout the session and provide these to you as the speaker to ensure that these can be answered in the follow-up session.
Further details about access to the Q&A session will be provided closer to the event, along with any training or additional guidance as required.
To assist you in preparing for your session, we have included some additional documents and videos to assist you in the process.
Presenting to a virtual audience
Whilst you are most probably used to presenting to an audience in-person, speaking to a 100% virtual audience can be a very different challenge. You can’t see your audience where you can normally get a ‘read on the room’ through eye contact, body language and other ways that you would when delivering face-to-face.
We have attached the following document for you that outlines some tips and tricks for presenting online to a virtual audience.
Download the speaker tip & tricks
Presenting with a webcam
The following document provides some best practice tips on using your webcam in the presentation.
Download the webcam best-practices
Social media
We encourage you to utilise your social media channels to let people know that you are speaking at the SMSF Virtual Day 2021.
To join the conversation on social media before, during and after the event, please use the official hashtag: #smsfday
We also encourage you to tag Smarter SMSF’s official social media channels:
- Twitter: @smartersmsf
- Facebook: @smartersmsf
- LinkedIn: @smartersmsf
As a participating speaker we are pleased to offer to you a complimentary registration ticket to the SMSF Virtual Day. All delegates have access to the Accelevents platform until 30 April 2021 to review sessions, or catch up on sessions that they may have missed on the day.
The team at Smarter SMSF will arrange for your complimentary ticket to be forwarded to you by email. All attendees will be provided with information about how to access the virtual hub in the lead up to the event on 30 & 31 March 2021.
At any time in the lead up to the SMSF Virtual Day, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Aaron Dunn – CEO
- aaron@smartersmsf.com
- 0488 055 836
Joanne Borghesi
- team@smartersmsf.com
- 1300 95 94 76