Smarter Legal Week

Smarter SMSF’s legal week introduces you to the specialist suite of SMSF documents and legal support that is available when ordering via the Smarter SMSF platform

Smarter SMSF’s ‘Smarter Legal Week’, held between 29 July – 1 August 2024 showcases the Smarter SMSF deed and why firms choose to utilise this deed for their SMSF clients, along with a range of specialist SMSF documents built specifically in line with the governing rules.  In this series of webinars during Smarter Legal Week we also highlight how you can access legal support with our chosen legal partner, Hill Legal for legal sign-off on various SMSF documents, along with the ability to rectify defects in existing SMSF documents.

This page includes links to each of the webinar recordings that have been held during Smarter Legal Week for you to view.

If you have any questions from these sessions or about our services, you can get in contact with us.

Watch the webinars

View the series of webinars from Smarter Legal Week

7 'must haves' in your SMSF deed

This webinar explores the seven (7) ‘must haves’ within a current day SMSF deed.  As the super and tax laws continue to change, and an ever-growing list of court decisions, Aaron Dunn and Chris Hill share key insights into the rules that a current deed should have to capitalise of key strategies and best manage risk with your SMSF clients.  This webinar is designed for professionals seeking to deepen their understanding of what to consider when selecting or updating an SMSF deed for establishing a new fund or revising the governing rules of an existing one.

About Smarter Legal Review

This webinar as part of Smarter Legal Week explores a smarter way on how you can access legal support with your SMSF documents.  Taking an in-depth look at into the Smarter Legal Review (SLR) service, Aaron Dunn and Chris Hill discuss how the service operates seamlessly from within the Smarter SMSF document platform, ensuring your SMSF documents are not just compliant, but also legally reviewed and signed-off.  In addition, they highlight how you can fix legal decificiences through the rectification process on the Smarter platform.

Creating SMSF Powers of Attorney

In this webinar recording as part of Smarter Legal Week, learn how you can easily create SMSF Powers of Attorney through the seamless integration of the Smarter SMSF platform with Inherit Australia. The session guides you through the process of ordering enduring powers of attorney for your SMSF clients, including specialist SMSF EPOAs specifically tailored to the Smarter SMSF deed.

Why every SMSF should have a Fund Guardian

This insightful webinar held during Smarter Legal Week helps to discover how the Smarter SMSF deed empowers you to safeguard your SMSF clients’ interests with a Member’s Fund Guardian.  The recording delves into the concept of a Fund Guardian, explaining its role in overseeing SMSF affairs, particularly in the event of legal disability or death. You will learn how this unique feature allows professionals or their firms to be appointed as trusted advisors, ensuring your clients’ wishes are carried out effectively.

If you require any further assistance

Get in contact with us, or call 1300 95 94 76.