
From: $300.00 + GST / month

Access the most in-depth range of SMSF pension, compliance and legal documents, including use of software integrations with BGL, Class & SuperMate.


Category: SKU: Create50


Create50 documents.

As a member of Create50 – you are provided with online access to ALL of our documents, to create up to 50 documents annually. All are best practice, current, and regularly updated. You can seamlessly generate these documents using our integrations with BGL’s Simple Fund 360, CAS360, Class & SuperMate.

Smarter SMSF is industry connected and nimble. As changes occur in regulation or legislation we review and adapt our documents accordingly. So they are always accurate, thorough and compliant.  We are on top of issues as they arise, talking with our members and then generating what they need to pass on the benefits of this knowledge to their clients. To achieve this level of specialisation takes real world accounting, advice and legal experience, acquired over more than 20 years as practitioners.

Our Create packages give you the flexibility of accessing any pension, compliance or legal documents you may need. Simply determine the number of documents you would use annually, then select the monthly subscription package that works for you. Read more…

Please note all subscription charges are monthly subscriptions on a minimum 12 month contract and excludes ASIC fee. Full Conditions of Use available on website.