CPD Business

From: $220.00 + GST / month

Accredited SMSF training for the whole team, whether together or working from home.


Category: SKU: CPDBIZ


This comprehensive, in-depth suite of online learning resources enables you and up to five in your team to stay at the forefront of the SMSF industry – whether you want to be the expert or not, you can rely on our specialist knowledge to ensure that you are enabling better retirement outcomes for your clients.

INCLUDES (for up to 5, but can request more):

  • Regular accredited online training and webinars
  • Slides, workbooks & recordings from all live sessions
  • Discounts to industry events and face-to-face training workshops
  • Quarterly technical and regulatory updates (i.e. Changing Face of SMSF)
  • Savings on reports and online courses (e.g. Future of SMSF & SMSF Day)
  • Access to your own CPD archive (accredited training for professional development obligations)
  • Access to our catalogue of over 60 hours of smsf training already available on the platform
  • Access to a resource library (Checklists, eBooks, Flowcharts) available at PAYG pricing

Smarter SMSF evolved from The SMSF Academy, founded in 2010 by accountant, Aaron Dunn and lawyer, Ian Glenister – both accredited SMSF specialists. Our focus is simple. To bridge the gap in training, education and tools so you can grow your business through self-managed super funds.

Our regular web-based live training is popular because it enables members to access it whenever you like and as many times as you like. Fully mobile responsive, this cost effective solution works on any device so it is also available for practitioners on the go.

Our CPD business supports you and your team, whether together or working from home to ensure that you can stay ahead of pack with your SMSF knowledge.  Because our learn package is available anytime, it is perfect for reviewing and refreshing knowledge through our online platform.

Simply watch at your own pace then take the quiz to confirm your progress and CPD points.  Smarter SMSF offers regular updates on SMSF specialist topics, sourced directly from leading industry professionals such as accountants, financial planners and lawyers. Every quarter we share ‘the changing face of SMSF’ – a technical and regulatory update that keeps members informed on key compliance issues as they arise.

All SMSF training is accredited for professional development obligations via the SMSF Association (as an Accredited Educator),for FASEA, with the major accounting bodies and the Tax Practitioner’s Board.

We also maintain a CPD register that for you to determine the ongoing knowledge strengths of your staff.

Find out more…

Winner of the Training and Education Provider of the Year Award VIC,  presented at the SMSF and Accounting Awards 2018