Delivering best-practice documents, training and support for Accountants and Financial Advisers. Built by Aaron Dunn, CEO & Co-founder.

What our clients say


Kylie Anderson, RJS Accounting Services

“As a small firm it isn’t easy to keep up with the constant changes in the SMSF industry, so having access to specialised advice and documents when needed is paramount to continuing the high level of service we offer our clients. The response time to questions is incredible.  And the online access to templates to create compliance documentation for our clients with the ever-increasing need for minutes and documentation is invaluable to our firm.”

ati ardian

Ati Ardian, Crosscorp Business Advisors

“I Iove that we have a someone who knows what is going on with Super Legislations (especially with the webinar updates) and also the ability to tap into documents that are prepared by lawyers to document all the SMSF regulation requirements. The Smarter SMSF pension and compliance documents are just terrific, and have additional features that can be created and adjusted because they link back to the trust deed. “


Robert Petagna, Argentum Consulting

“Great training session as always. I went to both the 2017 SMSF Day and 2018’s Perth SMSF Day, both of which were very good. And as a Learn (training) member, was happy to receive a hugely discounted price on these events too. Once again I have come away feeling that I received great value for my time and money. Nice Work Aaron! Thank you.”

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Combine specialisation, technology and process to deliver best practice in SMSF documents for 

professionals enabling better retirement outcomes for your clients.