How it works

This page is to explain how the Smarter SMSF automated deed update service will operate.  We have documented step by step how you can setup (including importing) your SMSF clients for Smarter SMSF to automatically manage and ensure that their trust deed remains up-to-date with the current super and tax laws.

Further details about registration will be provided shortly when this is ready for beta release.  If you do have any questions about the service, or wish to register your interest, please contact us.

  • 1. Sign up

    Now that you have signed up for the automated deed update service, we will review your request and arrange for user access via email.

  • 2. User Approval and Demo

    Once you have received approval and your user access to the automated deed update service, we will send you an online demonstration video to setup your clients.

  • 3. Import or Add SMSF clients

    Add your SMSF clients you wish to setup with the automated deed update service.  You can add SMSFs individually or alternatively you can import information from Simple Fund 360, Class or using a CSV/XML file to upload.  You can add historical information about each fund as part of the import or alternatively at a later stage.

    All SMSFs will be added/imported as ‘inactive’ until a subscription has been purchased by you to activate your clients onto the automated deed update service.

  • 4. Clients sign service agreement

    Download our client letter and service agreement templates (.docx) for you to utilise with your SMSF clients to sign up to the automated deed update service.

    It is important to note that you are responsible for the invoicing of your SMSF clients for this service (not Smarter SMSF).  This allows you to determine the price that you wish to charge for providing this service to your clients.

  • 5. Purchase your subscription

    As your clients sign your service agreement and pay you for access to the automated deed update service, you can now purchase the number of funds required by your firm from our website or directly from our platform when signed in.

    Where you purchase more than 25 funds as your subscription, you have the ability to pay this as a monthly fee, rather than as an upfront annual fee.

    Visit our automated deed update service product page for more information.

  • 6. Update deed (if required)

    Where your client does not have the Smarter SMSF deed (ver. 2019-07) or later as the current deed, you will be required to update the deed to ensure that the fund’s rules allow for the automated deed update service.

    You cannot utilise this service if the deed is not provided by Smarter SMSF.

  • 7. Activate SMSF clients

    Once the trustee(s) have signed the relevant documents to start the automated deed update service, you can upload the resolutions into their account and ‘activate’ the fund.

  • 8. Access permissions

    Now that you SMSF client(s) are active you can now setup access for the trustee(s), staff members, fund auditor and other parties that may require ongoing access to the operative deed and full history of any amendments.

  • 9. Smarter SMSF updates deed

    As and when required, where Smarter SMSF makes a change to the operative deed, a replacement set of rules will be automatically applied to all active SMSF clients.

    A time stamped change-log of the amendments to the deed will be included as part of the information added to the client record, along with a copy of the new operative rules.

    Every update provided by Smarter SMSF will be accessible by authorised parties to the fund information through the automated deed update service.

Got any further questions?

Do you want to find out more about the automated deed update service before you get underway?