SMSF pensions masterclass

A highly interactive virtual masterclass that takes you through the practical challenges and strategies of SMSF income streams.

Buy the recordings – available until 31 January 2022

Smart people learn together… 

Having held a highly successful accredited SMSF virtual masterclass on Thursday, 9 December 2021, you can access the recordings from this event until 31 January 2022.  Purchase a ticket and watch the sessions as Aaron works through a pensions playbook exploring various technical issues, planning considerations and strategy ideas with Transition to Retirement Income Streams, Account Based Pensions and Death Benefit Income Streams.

This virtual event provides attendees with 4+ accredited CPD hours and includes supporting materials (incl. case study).


Buy your ticket

Interactive virtual event

The SMSF pensions virtual masterclass is not simply a webinar… delivered through a virtual event platform, the event provides you with access to the live stage for each session, a lounge to interact with the speaker(s) and other attendees and a lobby to access resources, view the agenda and track the leaderboard!


With the use of a case study, this virtual masterclass event takes you through 3 distinct stages of paying and managing pensions, from transition to retirement income streams (TRIS), to Account Based Pensions, and Death Benefit Income Streams.

10:30am Event platform opens

11:00am Welcome & Session #1

Transition to Retirement Income Streams (TRIS)

Our first stage of the masterclass explores the decision to commence an income stream – this may be driven by the need to replace income, or it may be used for another purpose. What we do know is that TRISs provide some unique considerations and opportunities in the current environment for SMSF members.

In this session, through the use of the case study, we explore (but not limited to):

  • Considerations in setting up, running and ceasing a TRIS 
  • Strategies that show why TRISs are still valuable for SMSF members
  • What happens if a TRIS recipient dies? The impact of reversionary and non-reversionary TRISs.  
  • What is the impact of a TRIS recipient having any insurance attached to their SMSF account at the time of death?
  • What other SIS and tax considerations are there with a TRIS recipient’s superannuation interest?

Duration: 80 mins

12:20pm Lunch break

1:00pm: Session #2

Account Based Pensions

The next stage of the masterclass focuses on when a pension starts (or moves) in the retirement phase.  It provides a number of opportunities in taking benefits and planning long-term, but equally can present some interesting challenges within the fund from a tax exemption point of view.  

In this session, through the use of a case study, we explore (but not limited to):

  • Impacts of failing to meet the minimum pension standards
  • The condition of release requirements to move to the retirement phase
  • ECPI considerations, including methodology to determine tax exemption 
  • Dealing with lumpy assets to meet pension standards
  • Contemplating segregation for SIS and tax purposes, including the application of the disregarded small fund asset rules.

Duration: 80 mins

2:20pm Afternoon break

2:40pm: Session #3

Death Benefit Income Streams

The final stage of the masterclass takes us to the various considerations of paying a death benefit income stream. Whether it be as a reversionary pension, or not-reversionary, there are numerous decisions that need to be contemplated to ensure the ongoing compliance of the fund and to continue with its tax exemption.

In this session, we explore a number of areas including (but not limited to): 

  • Reviewing the T&Cs of income streams due to incapacity 
  • Understanding the procedural steps in paying a death benefit income, from the deed to the pension conditions and lessons in case law.
  • TBC considerations for a death benefit recipient
  • The nuances between reversionary and non-reversionary income streams
  • The implications of failing the pension standards with a death benefit income stream

Duration: 80 mins

4:00pm Wrap-up and close


The ticket provides the nominated individual with access to attend the live virtual event, the event materials and online access to the recording until 31 January 2022.

A link to access the virtual hub for the masterclass will be provided in your ticket that is issued by Smarter SMSF.  Further details about access and navigating the hub will be provided to attendees closer to the event date.

The virtual hub will be open for attendees to login approximately 1 hour before the event commences, which will allow for you to register for sessions and access the session materials.

All session held throughout the day are being live streamed for attendees.  Each session is being recorded so that they can be watched by attendees between the event date at 31 January 2022.

Yes, CPD points will be awarded towards the SMSF Association (as an Accredited Educator), the major accounting bodies (CPA, CAANZ, IPA), and the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB).  CPD hours will also be broken down for FASEA & ASIC purposes, along with recognition for SMSF audit hours.

The CPD certificate will be issued shortly after 10 December, allowing users a further 2 weeks after the event to watch any sessions and complete additional assessment materials.

31 January 2022.  However, CPD certificates will be awarded based on access to the sessions to Friday, 7 January 2022.

Yes, if you are unable to attend you can transfer the ticket to another attendee on the basis that you have contacted Smarter SMSF to advise of the updated attendee information to grant access.

Yes, but only for 4 or more tickets being purchased.  You should contact us at to request a coupon code to apply an agreed discount.

Got a question?

Do you have an enquiry about our upcoming SMSF pension masterclass? Simply complete the form below and a team member will be in contact with you shortly.


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